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112 items found for "Miles Thompson"

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  • Ep 115 with Dr. Paul J. Gasser

    I received my PhD in Biology at Arizona State University, where I worked in the lab of Miles Orchinik

  • 20-06 Dr GPCR Newsletter

    Typical and atypical KOR agonists affect behavior differently in Male Rhesus Monkeys. Structural basis of bile acid receptor activation and Gs coupling. Mapping the GPCR Interactome in vivo in KI mice.

  • Session VII

    neurotransmission Nicole Perry-Hauser GPR110 modulates anxiety-like behaviors and memory function in mice GPCR GPR110 modulates anxiety-like behaviors and memory function in mice potentially through neuronal Anxiety and memory function were tested using both male and female mice at 5-6 month of age. compared to wildtype mice. The y-maze showed a significant sex by genotype interactions with GPR110 KO male mice having increased

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