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49 items found for "Orthostatic intolerance"

Posts (39)

  • Therapeutic validation of an orphan G protein-coupled receptor: The case of GPR84

    August 2022 "Despite the importance of members of the GPCR superfamily as targets of a broad range of effective medicines many GPCRs remain poorly characterised. GPR84 is an example. Expression of GPR84 is strongly up regulated in immune cells in a range of pro-inflammatory settings and clinical trials to treat idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis are currently ongoing using ligands with differing levels of selectivity and affinity as GPR84 antagonists. Although blockade of GPR84 may potentially prove effective also in diseases associated with inflammation of the lower gut there is emerging interest in defining if agonists of GPR84 might find utility in conditions in which regulation of metabolism or energy sensing is compromised. Here, we consider the physiological and pathological expression profile of GPR84 and, in the absence of direct structural information, recent developments and use of GPR84 pharmacological tool compounds to study its broader role and biology. " Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • Targeting Intracellular Allosteric Sites in GPCRs

    Conventional GPCR drug discovery has largely focused on orthosteric sites, but recent breakthroughs in Unlike orthosteric ligands that bind directly to the receptor's active site, allosteric modulators target sites on the receptor are those topographically distinct from (do not exhibit any overlap with) the orthosteric binding pocket, potentially altering the rate of association, dissociation, or both, of an orthosteric On the other hand, selectivity could be achieved by merging both orthosteric and allosteric pharmacophores

  • GPCRs are not simple on-off switches: deep dive into GPCR-ligand interactions

    GPCR targeting drugs: orthosteric vs allosteric sites Most of the drugs targeting GPCRs bind to the orthosteric sites on the receptor are those topographically distinct from (do not exhibit any overlap with) the orthosteric employing an allosteric mechanism of action can theoretically offer several advantages compared to orthosteric On the other hand, selectivity could be achieved by merging both orthosteric and allosteric pharmacophores of reducing the risk of overdose, given that their activity is dependent on the concentration of the orthosteric

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