Search Results
12 items found for "Qian Huang"
- Overview of adhesion GPCRs self-activation
Qian, Y., Ma, Z., Liu, C., Li, X., Zhu, X., Wang, N., Xu, Z., Xia, R., Liang, J., Duan, Y., Yin, H., Xiong, Y., Zhang, A., Guo, C., Chen, Z., Huang, Z., & He, Y. (2022).
- TM5-TM6: structural switches that modulate the coupling of serotonin receptors to Gs or Gi
This question led Huang et al., 2022 to investigate the molecular basis involved in G protein-receptor *Above information was taken from the original article published by Huang
- Dr. GPCR Virtual Cafe - Postponed
GPCR Virtual Cafe with Matthew Eddy scheduled for tomorrow (Sep 29th, 2022) due to Hurricane Ian that
- Targeted Drug Design through GPCR Mutagenesis: Insights from β2AR
., Huang, X. P., Macdonald, C. B., Mehrota, E., Grimes, P. R., ... & Manglik, A. (2024).
- Harnessing Deep Mutational Scanning for Enhanced Drug Discovery
., Huang, X.-P., Macdonald, C. B., Mehrotra, E., Patrick Rockefeller Grimes, Zahm, A.
- β-arrestin1 and 2 exhibit distinct phosphorylation-dependent conformations when coupling to the...
associate with the active parathyroid hormone 1 receptor (PTH1R) in different complex configurations ("hanging
- Newly launched antibody libraries put hard-to-drug targets within reach
The drugs also target relatively low-hanging fruit: like cytokines or tyrosine kinase receptors.
- An overview of the compartmentalized GPCR Signaling: Relevance and Implications
., Huang, B., Wedegaertner, P. B., Conti, M., & von Zastrow, M. (2017).
- Artificial intelligence – faster, smarter, cheaper GPCR drug discovery
used to predict subtype-selective ligands for dopamine receptors and adenosine receptors (He, Ben, Kuang , Wang & Kong, 2016; Kuang, Feng, Hu, Wang, He & Kong, 2016). 5.
- Regulators of G-protein signaling: essential players in GPCR signaling
Zhuang, Y., et al., Structural insights into the human D1 and D2 dopamine receptor signaling complexes
- Structural landscape of the Chemokine Receptor system
intermediate recognition site between CRS1 and CRS2, first described in the CXCR4-vCCL2 structure (Qin
- Unlocking the Therapeutic Potential of Previously Undruggable GPCRs
However, the receptors that these medicines target have been described as the ‘low-hanging’ fruit, and