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63 items found for "Specialized pro-resolving mediators"
- Ep 107 with Dr. Roger Sunahara
His main area of research focuses on the structural and pharmacological bases for hormone-mediated activation These approaches were invaluable to resolve the crystal structure of the beta2-adrenergic receptor (beta2AR was first snapshot of the agonist- and G protein-bound GPCR, providing valuable models for agonist-mediated Some of these studies resolved a major question regarding the signaling differences in G protein splice We speculate that these aberrations in Galpha-s(l), specifically, may be involved in other pathologies
- Dr. GPCR Summit 2021 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem
Special shout out to our partners! Pros: You can polish your recording to your satisfaction. Pros: It may take less time to prepare for the presentation Cons: You may make mistakes since it's a
- Plenary Lecture | Adhesion GPCR Workshop 2024 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem
For instance, membrane receptor GPR97 is able to sense glucocorticoid to mediate its rapid actions, the For arrestin mediated biased signaling, we have proposed the “flute model” and “poly proline region docking theory” etc. to explain the arrestin mediated GPCR functions (Nature communications, 2015, 2021, 2022 We identified that arrestin can mediated AT1R/TRPC3 or M3R/TRPC3 coupling by forming a complex of AT1R
- Session I | Adhesion GPCR Workshop 2024 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem
Signe Mathiasen on the web University of Copenhagen Mathiasen Group An ECR-Mediated and TA-independent Our results provide evidence for the ECR-mediated activation of aGPCR as a complementary mechanism for the TA-mediated activation of aGPCRs. Because the TA-mediated mechanism is a “one and done” mechanism that is irreversible and prevents the ECR-mediated mechanism opens new possibilities for drugging aGPCRs.
- Ep 86 with Nicole (Nicki) Perry-Hauser
My long-term research interests involve resolving signaling pathways downstream of aGPCRs and establishing
- Dopamine-Mediated Motor Recovery after Ischemic Stroke
Program Registration Logo Contest Committee Sponsors GPCR Retreat Program < Back to schedule Dopamine-Mediated More specifically, we investigate the druggability potential of new signaling partners we identified
- Removing the GPCR-mediated brake on exocytosis enhances insulin action, promotes adipocyte browning, and protects against diet-induced obesity
Registration Logo Contest Committee Sponsors GPCR Retreat Program < Back to schedule Removing the GPCR-mediated Protease Activated Receptor signaling in the cardiovascular system and regulation of vesicular exocytosis mediated
- Ep 67 with Dr. Graham Ladds
He continued to work at Warwick as a post-doc studying pro-hormone convertases before securing a 5-year
- Trainee Symposium I
Cardiac Fibrosis in a Dish: Combining hIPSC-Derived Fibroblasts and FRET Biosensors to Unravel GPCR-Mediated synapse-associated protein 102 and post-synaptic density 95, and the impact of these complexes in D1R-mediated
- Ep 132 with Dr. Richard Premont
GRK5 and continued focus on GRKs (particularly GRKs 4,5,6) and arrestins as GPCR regulators and as mediators characterizing the role of protein S-nitrosylation as a signaling post-translational modification in mediating
- Ep 130 with Dr. Richard Premont
GRK5 and continued focus on GRKs (particularly GRKs 4,5,6) and arrestins as GPCR regulators and as mediators characterizing the role of protein S-nitrosylation as a signaling post-translational modification in mediating
- Ep 65 with Dr. Sudarshan Rajagopal
Keith Moffat, he studied the structural mechanisms of bacterial photoreceptors using time-resolved Laue
- Ep 02 with Dr. Terry Hébert
Today he and his team are working on understanding receptor signaling in specialized cellular environments to gain a better grasp of receptor function in pathophysiological settings with a special interest in Terry is also very active on social media.
- Past Events by Dr. GPCR Ecosystem
Endocrine Metabolic GPCRs Meet Inoviem Team GPCR ECI Transatlantic 2022 Editorial: GPCR and G Protein-Mediated
- Biochemical Mechanisms Underlying Location Bias in GPCR Signaling
Keith Moffat, he studied the structural mechanisms of bacterial photoreceptors using time-resolved Laue
- Ep 30 with Dr. Elva Zhao
Her current research focuses on class B GPCRs and understanding how GPCR signaling and function is mediated
- Student Flash Presentations | Adhesion GPCR Workshop 2024 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem
ADGRB3 Loss of Expression in Brain Tumor Formation in Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Alex Torrelli-Diljohn GPR124 Mediates Alex Torrelli-Diljohn on the web The University of Alabama at Birmingham LinkedIn GPR124 Mediates Adhesion adhesion G-protein-coupled receptors, which exhibit large multi-domain extracellular N-termini that mediate physiologically relevant alternative splicing, which determined heterotrimeric signaling through Gαs- or Gα12/13- mediated at National Jewish Health in Denver, CO researching molecular mechanisms of lung injury and repair mediated
- Fresh, Fresh, GPCR News ❇ Feb 17 - 23, 2025 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem
Approach The Rapid Push into Radiopharmaceuticals in Oncology and What’s Next Call for GPCR Papers Special astrocyte activation triggers meningeal nociception and migraine-like pain GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology Spatial analysis of a complete DIPG-infiltrated brainstem reveals novel ligand-receptor mediators of tumour-to-TME
- Session VIII | Adhesion GPCR Workshop 2024 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem
with implications for adaptive thermogenesis during prolonged cold exposure Anastasia Georgiadi ADGRF5-mediated Karolinska Institute, Sweden" Anastasia Georgiadi on the web Endocrine Pharmacology Google Scholar ADGRF5-mediated
- Session IV | Adhesion GPCR Workshop 2024 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem
PDF Program HERE < Back to Full Agenda Session IV AGPCRs signaling in the nervous system BAI1/ADGRB1-mediated Complex Assembly And Ligand Interaction In The Adhesion GPCR Latrophilin/Cirl Anne Bormann BAI1/ADGRB1-mediated
- Session VI | Adhesion GPCR Workshop 2024 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem
As a clinician, he specializes in surgical treatment of brain tumors. My long-term research interests involve resolving signaling pathways downstream of aGPCRs and establishing
- Session V | Adhesion GPCR Workshop 2024 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem
These domains form a compact module mediated by robust and evolutionarily conserved interdomain interactions A previous computational study has uncovered variable flexible protein regions, whose dynamics mediate MD simulations with the parameterized ester intermediate reveal a protonation-dependent dynamic desolvation
- Register for Adhesion GPCR Workshop 2024 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem
Home Registration Full Agenda Venue Travel Tips Sponsors Special Issue on Adhesion GPCRs Registrations
- Ep 18 with Dr. Yamina Berchiche
G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) mediate a vast variety of critical biological processes and provide
- Our Sponsors for Adhesion GPCR Workshop 2024 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem
Home Registration Full Agenda Venue Travel Tips Sponsors Special Issue on Adhesion GPCRs OUR SPONSORS
- Ep 53 with Dr. Timo De Groof
During his master's studies, he specialized in Biomedical Biotechnology and Structural Biology/Biochemistry group and used this platform to develop nanobodies targeting viral G protein-coupled receptors with a special
- Ep 87 with Dr. Bianca Plouffe
in 2005 by investigating the molecular mechanisms involved in the angiotensin type 2 receptor (AT2R)-mediated
- Ep 09 with Lauren Celano
GPCR Podcast << Back to podcast list Lauren Celano About this episode In this special Dr.