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74 items found for "Tumor microenvironment"

Posts (48)

  • Identification of A2BAR as a potential target in colorectal cancer using novel fluorescent GPCR...

    Here, using colorectal cancer (CRC) as a model, we explored the gene expression of a panel of GPCRs in tumor live-imaging modalities, and displayed high efficiency when used to label complex 3D cellular systems such as tumor A2BAR as a potential pharmacological tool in CRC, using selective antagonists, finding a reduction in tumor

  • Dynamics of tumor-associated macrophages in a quantitative systems pharmacology model of...

    September 2022 Dynamics of tumor-associated macrophages in a quantitative systems pharmacology model antibody atezolizumab and nab-paclitaxel has shown clinical activity in advanced TNBC with PD-L1-positive tumor-infiltrating As tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) serve as major contributors to the immuno-suppressive tumor microenvironment We show that through proper calibration, the model captures the macrophage heterogeneity in the tumor microenvironment while maintaining its predictive power of the trial results at the population level

  • Propranolol: A “Pick and Roll” Team Player in Benign Tumors and Cancer Therapies

    metastasis, and drug resistance and inflammation, all of which are influenced by the cellular and molecular microenvironment of the tumor. recently, gene editing techniques, have been tested to reduce the malignancy and generate a harmful microenvironment for the tumor. therapeutic benefits of the β-adrenergic receptor antagonist, propranolol, were described in benign tumors

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Other Pages (26)

  • Metabolic crosstalk: Extracellular ATP and the tumor microenvironment in cancer progression and therapy

    < GPCR News < GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology Metabolic crosstalk: Extracellular ATP and the tumor microenvironment signals inside the body, which is necessary for controlling the life activities of all cells, including tumor Its significance extends from intracellular signaling pathways to tumor regression. In the tumor microenvironment (TME), purinergic receptors such as ATP-gated ion channels P2X1-5 and G microenvironment (TME) Source Contribute to the GPCR News Coming soon Become a Contributor Classified

  • GPR4 in the pH-dependent migration of melanoma cells in the tumor microenvironment

    News < GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology GPR4 in the pH-dependent migration of melanoma cells in the tumor microenvironment Published date December 23, 2022 Abstract Due to its high metastatic potential, malignant In melanoma as well as in other cancers, acidification of the tumor microenvironment (= TME, inverse pH-gradient) is a well-known driver of tumor progression and metastasis. Results indicate that GPR4 is involved in the migration of melanoma cells, especially in the tumor periphery

  • Prediction of survival and immunotherapy response by the combined classifier of G protein-coupled receptors and tumor microenvironment in melanoma

    of survival and immunotherapy response by the combined classifier of G protein-coupled receptors and tumor microenvironment in melanoma Published date September 16, 2023 Abstract "Background: In this study, Jianying Gu Tags G protein-coupled receptors , Immunotherapy , Melanoma , Multi-omics , Pan-cancer , Tumor microenvironment , scRNA-seq Source Contribute to the GPCR News Coming soon Become a Contributor Classified

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