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146 items found for "Ye K"

  • GPCR Courses

    GPCR Ecosystem is the ultimate resource for expanding your knowledge, making connections, and staying Terry Kenakin Principles of Pharmacology in Drug Discovery I Techniques for Effective Lead Optimization Terry Kenakin Applying Pharmacology to Drug Discovery ​ Watch Dr. Please let us know about this while filling out the registration form. Yes, you can upgrade at any time.

  • Deciphering the genetic landscape of lumpy skin disease: Unraveling variable virulence through comprehensive genome sequence analysis in India

    Authors R Mishra, S K Biswas, S Nandi, S Mahajan, K G Sai Balaji, V Gairola, D Poloju, S Gulzar, K P Singh, R K Singh, G K Sharma Tags Genome sequence , Lumpy skin disease , Molecular diversity , Virulence

  • Opposite Effects of Src Family Kinases on YAP and ERK Activation in Pancreatic Cancer Cells: Implications for Targeted Therapy

    < GPCR News < GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology Opposite Effects of Src Family Kinases on YAP and ERK combination of insulin and the GPCR agonist neurotensin induced rapid activation of Src family of tyrosine kinases the SFK inhibitors dasatinib, saracatinib, the preferential YES1 inhibitor CH6953755, siRNA-mediated knockdown Surprisingly, our results also demonstrate that exposure to SFK inhibitors, including dasatinib or knockdown of YES and Src induces ERK overactivation in PDAC cells.

  • Ep 27 with Dr. Robert J. Lefkowitz

    Brian Kobilka . Bob doesn’t really need an introduction since his reputation precedes him. I then pressed record, and we chatted for almost 2h about Bob’s career, discoveries, difficulties (yes

  • Ep 51 with Dr. Mark Connor

    Focus on study of drugs and toxins on GPCR (opioid, cannabinoid receptor) and ion channel (K, Ca, TRP

  • NPFF stimulates human ovarian cancer cell invasion by upregulating MMP-9 via ERK1/2 signaling

    Using the siRNA-mediated knockdown approach, we showed that the stimulatory effect of NPFF on MMP-9 expression Authors Ze Wu , Qiongqiong Jia , Boqun Liu , Lanlan Fang , Peter C K Leung , Jung-Chien Cheng Tags Invasion

  • AGPCR 24 Session IV

    Mitochondrial Morphology in Axons Joseph Duman Bai1 Is A Novel Neuronal Substrate Of The Psychiatric Risk Kinase Of The Psychiatric Risk Kinase TNIK Simeon R. Affiliations "Flynn, Helen R.2, Sampedro-Castaneda, Marisol1, Claxton, Suzanne1, Skehel, Mark2, Ultanir, Sila K.1 I then moved to King's College London, where my interest and passion for kinases in brain health and I also work on multiple other kinases in our laboratory implicated in various neurodevelopmental and

  • Dr. GPCR Summit 2021 Live Talks

    Albert Kooistra, Gaspar Pandy-Szekeres September 13, 2021 at 2:00:00 PM Learn More >> CXCR4 heteromers Aaron K. molecules Ross AD Bathgate September 15, 2021 at 9:00:00 PM Learn More >> Profiling of GPCR complexes Kevin Learn More >> FR900359: nature’s weapon and treasure trove for basic and translational research Evi Kostenis

  • Ep 31 with Dr. Kevin Pfleger

    Kevin Pfleger About this episode Dr. I sat down with Kevin to chat about GPCRs, pharmacology, and his contributions to the field in both the Kevin is also Director, Biomedical Innovation at The University of Western Australia (UWA) and the MTPConnect Join me and learn more about Kevin’s work and how he manages all his responsibilities. Dr. Kevin Pfleger on the web LinkedIn ResearchGate Pubmed Google Scholar University of Western Australia

  • G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER)/GPR30 forms a complex with the β1-adrenergic receptor, a membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) scaffold protein, and protein kinase A anchoring protein (AKAP) 5 in MCF7 breast cancer cells

    receptor (GPER)/GPR30 forms a complex with the β1-adrenergic receptor, a membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) scaffold protein, and protein kinase A anchoring protein (AKAP) 5 in MCF7 breast cancer cells C-terminal tails through which they interact in the plasma membrane with membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) scaffold proteins, and in turn protein kinase A anchoring protein (AKAP) 5. Authors Julia Tutzauer , D Stephen Serafin , Tobias Schmidt , Björn Olde , Kathleen M Caron , L M Fredrik

  • Ep 39 with Dr. Kathryn E Livingston

    Kathryn E Livingston About Dr. Kathryn E Livingston Dr. Kathryn E Livingston is currently a Product Manager at Gator Bio , a biotechnology company providing Kathryn obtained her BS in Chemistry from Carnegie Mellon University and went on to receive a Ph.D. in Following this, Kathryn did a post-doctoral fellowship at UCSF in the laboratory of Dr. Kathryn E Livingston on the web LinkedIn ResearchGate Pubmed Google Scholar Dr.

  • Minireview: functional roles of tissue kallikrein, kinins, and kallikrein-related peptidases in lung cancer

    < GPCR News < GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology Minireview: functional roles of tissue kallikrein, kinins receptors, and proteases that control tumor progression, such as kallikrein-related peptidases (KLKs In lung cancer to date, evidence indicates that KLK5, KLK6, KLK8, KLK11, and KLK14 are the major peptidases Considering the multiple functions of kinin receptors and KLKs, this review highlights their roles, even , Kallikrein-related peptidases , Kinin receptors , Kinins , Lung cancer , SARS-CoV-2 Source Contribute

  • Ep 127 with Dr. Evi Kostenis

    Evi Kostenis About Dr. Evi Kostenis "Pharmacist by training - PhD in Pharmacology - Postdoc at the NIH with Dr. Evi Kostenis on the web University of Bonn ResearchGate LinkedIn Dr.

  • Ep 109 with Dr. Katarina Nemec

    Katarina Nemec About Dr. Katarina Nemec " I am a pharmacist with an interest in systems pharmacology and precision medicine. During my PhD studies in Martin Lohse lab at the Max Delbrueck Center in Berlin, I consolidated my knowledge Katarina Nemec on the web Babu Lab ResearchGate Google Scholar ORCID LinkedIn Twitter Dr.

  • Ep 41 with Dr. Terry Kenakin

    Terry Kenakin About Dr. Terry Kenakin After obtaining a BSc in chemistry at the University of Alberta Edmonton Canada, Terry Kenakin then moved to the UK, where he did a post-doctoral fellowship in University College London with Kenakin joined Glaxo Inc in RTP where he remained for 25 years through iterations of Glaxo Inc, GlaxoWellcome Terry Kenakin on the web LinkedIn UNC Department of Pharmacology Amazon ResearchGate Pubmed . Dr.

  • Ep 22 with Dr. Kari Johnson

    Kari Johnson About this episode Dr. Kari Johnson is currently an assistant professor at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Kari completed her Ph.D. in Pharmacology at Vanderbilt University before continuing her training as a Join me and learn more about how Kari studies GPCRs in basal ganglia circuits following chronic alcohol Kari Johnson on the web LinkedIn Google Scholar Research Gate USU Twitter Dr.

  • Ep 108 with Dr. Kenneth A. Jacobson

    Kenneth A. Jacobson About Dr. Kenneth A. Jacobson Kenneth A. In 1983, he joined the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) at the Kenneth A. Jacobson on the web NIDDK Web of Science Google Scholar LinkedIn Twitter Dr.

  • Ep 129 with Dr. Kaavya Krishna Kumar

    Kaavya Krishna Kumar About Dr. Kaavya Krishna Kumar "I am a postdoc in Prof. Brian Kobilka's lab at Stanford University, USA. Kaavya Krishna Kumar on the web Journal of Biology Chemistry Stanford University Google Scholar LinkedIn

  • Ep 63 with Dr. Khaled Abdelrahman

    Khaled Abdelrahman About Dr. Khaled Abdelrahman Dr. Khaled Abdelrahman graduated in 2006 with a BSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Alexandria University Khaled Abdelrahman on the web Twitter PubMed Google Scholar Dr.

  • Ep 103 with Dr Kathleen Caron

    Kathleen Caron About Kathleen M. Caron Kathleen M. Caron, Ph.D. is the Frederik L. Keith Parker to elucidate the role of steroidogenesis in regulating sexual determination and adrenal Kathleen M.

  • Ep 93 with Dr. Sri Kosuri

    GPCR Podcast << Back to podcast list Sri Kosuri About Dr. Sri Kosuri Sri is a biologist that has helped build technologies, labs, and companies in synthetic biology Sri is originally from New Jersey, Philadelphia, and Kansas and was born in North Carolina. Sri Kosuri on the web Octant ​​​​​​Kosuri Lab ​​​​​​Twitter LinkedIn Dr.

  • Ep 128 with Dr. Ilana Kotliar

    Ilana Kotliar About Dr. Ilana Kotliar "Ilana Kotliar is a postdoctoral associate in the lab of Tom Sakmar at The Rockefeller Ilana Kotliar on the web Google Scholar LinkedIn Twitter Dr.

  • Ep 110 with Dr. G. Aditya Kumar

    Aditya Kumar About Dr. G. Aditya Kumar Dr. Aditya Kumar is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Michigan Medical School. Aditya Kumar on the web University of Michigan Puthenveedu Lab Google Scholar NIH ORCID LinkedIn Twitter

  • AGPCR 24 Session VI

    Expression analyses of key enzymes of the glutamate glutamine cycle and the glutamate metabolism indicated /University of Karlsruhe/Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany. His lab is well-known in the research on the cellular function of proteins and their networks related Injection of low-dose ketamine, an antidepressant, can lead to acute (in several hours) and sustained Authors & Affiliations "Groff, Karenna; Donaldson, Hayley; Anderson, Sebastian; Pitti, Kiran; Wang, Shuai

  • AGPCR 24 Session I

    G protein signaling roles of GPR56/ADGRG1 via the characterization of a non-cleavable point mutant knock-in mouse, H381S Frank Kwarcinski Tethered Peptide Activation Mechanism of Adhesion GPCRs Peng Xiao Signaling Szymon P.1, 2, Cechova Kristina3, Bandekar Sumit J.1, 2, Ethan Dintzner1, 2, Leon Katherine1, 2, Dutka We also identified key motifs involved in aGPCR activation. Burruss (Harvard Medical School); Andrew Kruse (Harvard Medical School); Stephen C.

  • AGPCR 24 Session II

    Yuling Feng The ADGRF5/GPR116 receptor is a key regulator of lymphatic endothelial cell identity and Yuling Feng on the web LinkedIn The ADGRF5/GPR116 receptor is a key regulator of lymphatic endothelial Kathleen Caron's laboratory at UNC. Kathryn Defea at the University of California, Riverside. Pal Kasturi on the web Ashoka University < Previous Session Next Session >

  • AGPCR 24 Session VIII

    Vasiliki1*, Kardinal Ronja2, Jäckstein Michelle3 Yvonne, Kumar Jha Ankush1, Krokidi Sissy Thodou1, Wachten GPR110 is also highly expressed in the kidney, however, little is known about the function of this receptor level in mice devoid of GPR110 gene (GPR110 KO) compared to the wild type (WT). proteins in GPR110 KO and WT mice by label-free LC-MS/MS and pathway analysis. phenotype of albumin urea in GPR110 KO mice.

  • AGPCR 24 Session V

    Authors & Affiliations "Fabian Pohl1, Florian Seufert2, Yin Kwan Chung3, Daniela Volke1, Ralf Hoffmann1 Authors & Affiliations "Garbett, Krassimira, Kordon, Szymon P., Shearer, Tanner, Sando, Richard C.*, Authors & Affiliations "Chung, Yin Kwan2, Pohl, Fabian2, Batebi, Hossein1 Sträter, Norbert3 , Langenhan

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