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13 items found for "chemotaxis"
- G Protein-coupled Receptor-mediated Membrane Targeting of PLCγ2 is Essential for Neutrophil Chemotaxis
Immunology G Protein-coupled Receptor-mediated Membrane Targeting of PLCγ2 is Essential for Neutrophil Chemotaxis GPCR-mediated phospholipase C (PLC) signaling and is essential for neutrophil polarization and migration during chemotaxis dynamics of actin polymerization; and consequently, defects in cell polarization and migration during chemotaxis targeting of PLCγ2 and the signaling pathways by which PLCγ2 plays an essential role in neutrophil chemotaxis Tags G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) , calcium-promoted Ras inactivator (CAPRI) , chemotaxis , neutrophils
- Natural carboxyterminal truncation of human CXCL10 attenuates glycosaminoglycan binding, CXCR3A signaling and lymphocyte chemotaxis, while retaining angiostatic activity
carboxyterminal truncation of human CXCL10 attenuates glycosaminoglycan binding, CXCR3A signaling and lymphocyte chemotaxis Interferon-γ-inducible protein of 10 kDa (IP-10/CXCL10) is a dual-function CXC chemokine that coordinates chemotaxis Furthermore, CXCL10(1-73) incited significantly less primary human T lymphocyte chemotaxis in vitro and residues Lys74-Pro77 of CXCL10 are important for GAG binding, signaling through CXCR3A, T lymphocyte chemotaxis
- GPR15 expressed in T lymphocytes from RA patients is involved in leukocyte chemotaxis to the synovium
Oncology and Immunology GPR15 expressed in T lymphocytes from RA patients is involved in leukocyte chemotaxis Tags C10ORF99; GPR15; GPR15L; T lymphocytes; chemotaxis; rheumatoid arthritis; synovium.
- Molecular docking and dynamics simulation studies uncover the host-pathogen protein-protein interactions in Penaeus vannamei and Vibrio parahaemolyticus
YscL family type III secretion apparatus protein), Complex 2 (Protein kinase domain-containing protein-Chemotaxis CheY protein), and Complex 3 (GPCR-Chemotaxis CheY protein) was found to interact with -4319.76, -5271.39
- CCR7 acts as both a sensor and a sink for CCL19 to coordinate collective leukocyte migration
By combining experimental data with theory on leukocyte chemotaxis guided by the G protein-coupled receptor role as the sensory receptor that steers migration, CCR7 also acts as a generator and a modulator of chemotactic This mechanism drives complex collective migration patterns, enabling DCs to create or sharpen chemotactic
- Combinatorial depletions of G-protein coupled receptor kinases in immune cells identify pleiotropic and cell type-specific functions
Neutrophils lacking all four GRK family members show increased chemotactic migration responses to a wide These GPCR-type and cell-type specific effects reflect in altered lymphocyte chemotaxis in vitro and
- TIPE proteins control directed migration of human T cells by directing GPCR and lipid second messenger signaling
Abstract "Tissue infiltration by circulating leukocytes via directed migration (also referred to as chemotaxis
- DANGER Signals Activate G-Protein Receptor Kinases Suppressing Neutrophil Function and Predisposing to Infection After Tissue Trauma
phosphorylation or acetylation; Ca2+ flux) and antimicrobial functions (cytoskeletal reorganization, chemotaxis
- LPA1-mediated inhibition of CXCR4 attenuates CXCL12-induced signaling and cell migration
, Jin-Woo Lee , Dong-Seung Seen , Jae-Yeon Jeong , Won-Ki Huh Tags Cancer , Chemokine receptor 4 , Chemotaxis
- Chemokine Physiology in Cancer
and Immunology Chemokine Physiology in Cancer Published date November 1, 2022 Abstract Chemokines are chemotactic literature on the diversity of chemokine ligands and their cellular receptors that detect and process chemotactic
- Ep 126 with Dr. Françoise Bachelerie
chemokine receptors that are categorized into a large subgroup of G protein–coupled (GPCR) leukocyte chemotactic
- Leukotriene B4 receptor 2 governs macrophage migration during tissue inflammation
studies in vitro confirmed that whereas BLT2 does not mediate macrophage polarization, it is required for chemotactic
- Signaling by Neutrophil G Protein-Coupled Receptors that Regulate the Release of Superoxide Anions
These professional phagocytes are rapidly recruited from the bloodstream to inflamed tissues by chemotactic