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431 items found for "class C GPCR"

  • Ep 23 with Dr. Qing Fan

    GPCR Podcast << Back to podcast list Dr. Qing Fan About this episode Dr. Qing is a structural biologist interested in the molecular mechanisms controlling how class C GPCRs transmit GPCR Ecosystem Thanks for listening to this podcast episode This short survey will help us understand

  • Structural Basis for the Recognition of GPRC5D by Talquetamab, a Bispecific Antibody for Multiple Myeloma

    G-protein-coupled receptor class C group 5 member D (GPRC5D), an orphan GPCR predominantly expressed Jihong Jeong, Junhyeon Park, Geun Young Mo, Jinwoo Shin, Yunje Cho Tags GPRC5D , Multiple myeloma , class C GPCR , cryo-EM structure , talquetamab Source Contribute to the GPCR News Coming soon Become a Contributor Classified GPCR News Call for GPCR papers GPCR Industry News Adhesion GPCRs GPCR Events, Meetings, and Webinars Reviews, GPCRs, and more GPCR Binders, Drugs, and more Methods & Updates in GPCR Research GPCRs

  • [Inhibitory effect of downregulating G protein-coupled receptor class C group 5 member A expression on lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory response in human gingival fibroblasts]

    < GPCR News < GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology [Inhibitory effect of downregulating G protein-coupled receptor class C group 5 member A expression on lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory response in 27, 2024 Abstract "Objective: To clarify the effect and the mechanism of G protein-coupled receptor class Classified GPCR News Call for GPCR papers GPCR Industry News Adhesion GPCRs GPCR Events, Meetings, and Webinars Reviews, GPCRs, and more GPCR Binders, Drugs, and more Methods & Updates in GPCR Research GPCRs

  • GprC of the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys flagrans activates mitochondria and reprograms fungal cells for nematode hunting

    < GPCR News < GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology GprC of the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys flagrans The C. elegans ascaroside-sensing GPCR, SRBC66 and GPCRs of many fungi are also predicted for dual localization Classified GPCR News Call for GPCR papers GPCR Industry News Adhesion GPCRs GPCR Events, Meetings, and Webinars Reviews, GPCRs, and more GPCR Binders, Drugs, and more Methods & Updates in GPCR Research GPCRs GPCR News and get weekly notifications about the GPCR field Share < Previous Next >

  • G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER)/GPR30 forms a complex with the β1-adrenergic receptor, a membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) scaffold protein, and protein kinase A anchoring protein (AKAP) 5 in MCF7 breast cancer cells

    < GPCR News < GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER)/GPR30 forms Coming soon Become a Contributor Classified GPCR News Call for GPCR papers GPCR Industry News Adhesion GPCRs GPCR Events, Meetings, and Webinars Reviews, GPCRs, and more GPCR Binders, Drugs, and more Methods & Updates in GPCR Research GPCRs in Neuroscience GPCRs in Cardiology, Endocrinology, and Taste GPCRs GPCR News and get weekly notifications about the GPCR field Share < Previous Next >

  • AGPCR 24 Session I

    Full Agenda Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Download PDF Program Activation: Direct Communication of Extracellular Region with Transmembrane Domain in a Holo-Adhesion GPCR Demet Araç Structural Insights into the Activation Mechanisms of Adhesion GPCRs Yan Zhang Heterogeneity point mutant knock-in mouse, H381S Frank Kwarcinski Tethered Peptide Activation Mechanism of Adhesion GPCRs class of GPCRs, yet they are implicated in various physiological and pathological processes.

  • AGPCR 24 Student Flash Presentations

    Full Agenda Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Download PDF Program Since my undergraduate studies, I became fascinated with the class of adhesion GPCRs, owing to their This made me pursue my higher education in the field of adhesion GPCRs. Emmanouil Kyrloglou on the web Adhesion GPCR Consortium LinkedIn A single cell GPCR map of thermogenic , located within the GPCR autoproteolysis inducing (GAIN) domain.

  • NPFF stimulates human ovarian cancer cell invasion by upregulating MMP-9 via ERK1/2 signaling

    < GPCR News < GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology NPFF stimulates human ovarian cancer cell invasion by a Contributor Classified GPCR News Call for GPCR papers GPCR Industry News Adhesion GPCRs GPCR Events , Meetings, and Webinars Reviews, GPCRs, and more GPCR Binders, Drugs, and more Methods & Updates in GPCR Research GPCRs in Neuroscience GPCRs in Cardiology, Endocrinology, and Taste GPCRs in Oncology and GPCR News and get weekly notifications about the GPCR field Share < Previous Next >

  • AGPCR 24 Session III

    Full Agenda Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Download PDF Program function The NTF Release Sensor Approach for Drug Discovery for Human Adhesion GPCRs Stephanie Häfner bioSens-All: A Multiparametric BRET-Based Platform for Comprehensive Profiling of adhesion GPCR Signaling Stephanie Häfner Abstract "G Protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are common drug targets, yet no approved ), with a particular focus on the adhesion GPCRs (aGPCRs) family.

  • G Protein-coupled Receptor-mediated Membrane Targeting of PLCγ2 is Essential for Neutrophil Chemotaxis

    < GPCR News < GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology G Protein-coupled Receptor-mediated Membrane Targeting Source Contribute to the GPCR News Coming soon Become a Contributor Classified GPCR News Call for GPCR papers GPCR Industry News Adhesion GPCRs GPCR Events, Meetings, and Webinars Reviews, GPCRs, and more GPCR Binders, Drugs, and more Methods & Updates in GPCR Research GPCRs in Neuroscience GPCRs in Cardiology GPCR News and get weekly notifications about the GPCR field Share < Previous Next >

  • AGPCR 24 Dr. GPCR Community Presentation

    Full Agenda Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Download PDF Program GPCR Community Presentation About Monserrat Avila Zozaya "My doctoral research was focused on investigating My research focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms of adhesion GPCRs (aGPCRs) in lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs), a cellular model with unique junction arrangements where aGPCRs are mainly GPCR < Previous Session Next Session >

  • AGPCR 24 Newsletter | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Register AGPCR Newsletter Dr GPCR News Adhesion GPCR Consortium Newsletter - May 2024 Welcome to the 4th official Adhesion GPCR Consortium Register for the Adhesion GPCR 2024 Learn more about the Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 Up About the event Learn more about the Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 and its preliminary program.

  • AGPCR 24 Session II

    Full Agenda Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Download PDF Program a key regulator of lymphatic endothelial cell identity and function Monserrat Avila Zozaya Adhesion GPCR My research focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms of adhesion GPCRs (aGPCRs) in lymphatic GPCR Adhesion GPCR BAI1/ADGRB1 can block IGF1R-mediated growth signalling, increase radiosensitivity Like many other aGPCRs, ADGRG6 undergoes autoproteolysis at the GPCR-autoproteolysis site (GPS) enclosed

  • PAXIP1-AS1 is associated with immune infiltration and predicts poor prognosis in ovarian cancer

    < GPCR News < GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology PAXIP1-AS1 is associated with immune infiltration and I signaling events, VEGFAVEGFR-2 signaling pathway, naba secreted factors, Class A 1 Rhodopsin-Like News Coming soon Become a Contributor Classified GPCR News Call for GPCR papers GPCR Industry News Adhesion GPCRs GPCR Events, Meetings, and Webinars Reviews, GPCRs, and more GPCR Binders, Drugs, and more Methods & Updates in GPCR Research GPCRs in Neuroscience GPCRs in Cardiology, Endocrinology, and Taste GPCRs

  • Ep 30 with Dr. Elva Zhao

    GPCR Podcast << Back to podcast list Dr. After her Ph.D., she moved to Australia and continues working on GPCRs. Her current research focuses on class B GPCRs and understanding how GPCR signaling and function is mediated Join me to learn more about Elva, class B GPCRs, and Tilly. Dr. GPCR Ecosystem Thanks for listening to this podcast episode This short survey will help us understand

  • Advanced data analysis for GPCR pharmacology

    Advanced data analysis for GPCR pharmacology Dr. how to perform advanced GPCR pharmacology data analysis in support of drug discovery and GPCR research Understanding the pharmacology data analysis framework we use for GPCRs. Good to know: Classes will be live from Zoom on Thursdays from 10 am to 12:00 pm EST. B GPCRs.

  • Simultaneous activation of CXC chemokine receptor 4 and histamine receptor H1 enhances calcium signaling and cancer cell migration

    < GPCR News < GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology Simultaneous activation of CXC chemokine receptor 4 and News Coming soon Become a Contributor Classified GPCR News Call for GPCR papers GPCR Industry News Adhesion GPCRs GPCR Events, Meetings, and Webinars Reviews, GPCRs, and more GPCR Binders, Drugs, and more Methods & Updates in GPCR Research GPCRs in Neuroscience GPCRs in Cardiology, Endocrinology, and Taste GPCRs GPCR News and get weekly notifications about the GPCR field Share < Previous Next >

  • The EBI2 receptor is coexpressed with CCR5 in CD4+ T cells and boosts HIV-1 R5 replication

    < GPCR News < GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology The EBI2 receptor is coexpressed with CCR5 in CD4+ T cells News Coming soon Become a Contributor Classified GPCR News Call for GPCR papers GPCR Industry News Adhesion GPCRs GPCR Events, Meetings, and Webinars Reviews, GPCRs, and more GPCR Binders, Drugs, and more Methods & Updates in GPCR Research GPCRs in Neuroscience GPCRs in Cardiology, Endocrinology, and Taste GPCRs GPCR News and get weekly notifications about the GPCR field Share < Previous Next >

  • GPR68-ATF4 signaling is a novel prosurvival pathway in glioblastoma activated by acidic extracellular microenvironment

    < GPCR News < GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology GPR68-ATF4 signaling is a novel prosurvival pathway in GPCR papers GPCR Industry News Adhesion GPCRs GPCR Events, Meetings, and Webinars Reviews, GPCRs, and more GPCR Binders, Drugs, and more Methods & Updates in GPCR Research GPCRs in Neuroscience GPCRs in into GPCR function GPCR Activation and Signaling More from Dr. GPCR News and get weekly notifications about the GPCR field Share < Previous Next >

  • Systems modeling of oncogenic G-protein and GPCR signaling reveals unexpected differences in downstream pathway activation

    < GPCR News < GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology Systems modeling of oncogenic G-protein and GPCR signaling for GPCR papers GPCR Industry News Adhesion GPCRs GPCR Events, Meetings, and Webinars Reviews, GPCRs, and more GPCR Binders, Drugs, and more Methods & Updates in GPCR Research GPCRs in Neuroscience GPCRs into GPCR function GPCR Activation and Signaling More from Dr. GPCR News and get weekly notifications about the GPCR field Share < Previous Next >

  • Ep 86 with Nicole (Nicki) Perry-Hauser

    GPCR Podcast << Back to podcast list Nicole Perry-Hauser About Nicole (Nicki) Perry-Hauser I am a postdoctoral build a productive, independent scientific research career in adhesion G protein-coupled receptor (aGPCR Mutations in aGPCRs have been linked to various neuropsychiatric phenotypes, and my work will provide a basis for understanding aGPCR biology in the nervous system. GPCR Ecosystem Thanks for listening to this podcast episode This short survey will help us understand

  • Ep 16 with Dr. Aaron Sato

    GPCR Podcast << Back to podcast list Dr. Aaron Sato About this episode In this episode of the Dr. GPCR Podcast , I spoke to Dr. team saw an opportunity to tackle the challenge of identifying novel functional antibodies targeting GPCRs GPCR podcast. Dr. GPCR Ecosystem Thanks for listening to this podcast episode This short survey will help us understand

  • Adhesion GPCR Workshop 2024 Full Agenda

    CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Full Agenda Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico Scholz Read More 1:00 PM Plenary Lecture Identification and Functional Characterization of Adhesion GPCRs PM Lunch Read More 3:00 PM Session I Tethered agonist-dependent/independent activation mechanism in AGPCRs Read More 5:30 PM Mexico City Nocturnal Tour, Food and drinks Read More Oct 24 - 9:00 AM Session II AGPCR GPCR Community Presentation Monserrat Avila Zozaya Read More 4:30 PM Board meeting/General assembly Read

  • Illuminating Functional Selectivity and Allosterism at GPCRs.

    Retreat 2023 About Program Registration Logo Contest Committee Sponsors GPCR Retreat Program < Back to schedule Illuminating Functional Selectivity and Allosterism at GPCRs. ) responses, a class of receptors involved in many, if not all, physiological responses, with the ultimate GPCR Previous Event Next Event Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires 22nd GPCR Retreat Sponsored by

  • Dr. GPCR Summit 2021 Live Talks

    Insights from cryo-EM snapshots of the entire Class D1 GPCR activation pathway Vaithish Velazhahan September GPCR Summit Dr. Robert Lefkowitz, Dr. Meriem Semache September 15, 2021 at 2:00:00 PM Learn More >> GPCR activation mechanisms across classes GPCR Summit Partners - Click to Explore - Tags Dr. GPCR Summit Dr. GPCR Summit 2021 Dr. GPCR Summit 2021 Pre-Recorded Talks Dr. GPCR Summit 2021Live Talks

  • Ep 15 with Dr. Arun Shukla

    GPCR Podcast << Back to podcast list Dr. degree in biotechnology from Jawaharlal Nehru University in India and it was during a biochemistry class Arun first started working on GPCRs and their structural characterization at the Max Planck Institute Fascinated by GPCRs he wrote to Dr. GPCR Ecosystem Thanks for listening to this podcast episode This short survey will help us understand

  • Ep 122 with Dr. Nicolas Gilles

    GPCR Podcast << Back to podcast list Dr. Nicolas Gilles About Dr. Nicolas Gilles "Dr. He is pioneering the investigation of animal toxins acting on GPCRs, the largest therapeutic target class GPCR Thanks for listening to this podcast episode This short survey will help us understand your needs

  • Wnt pathway inhibition with the porcupine inhibitor LGK974 decreases trabecular bone but not fibrosis in a murine model with fibrotic bone

    < GPCR News < GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology Wnt pathway inhibition with the porcupine inhibitor LGK974 Source Contribute to the GPCR News Coming soon Become a Contributor Classified GPCR News Call for GPCR papers GPCR Industry News Adhesion GPCRs GPCR Events, Meetings, and Webinars Reviews, GPCRs, and more GPCR Binders, Drugs, and more Methods & Updates in GPCR Research GPCRs in Neuroscience GPCRs in Cardiology GPCR News and get weekly notifications about the GPCR field Share < Previous Next >

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